ΧΑΡΟΚΟΠΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ / Τμήμα Οικιακής Οικονομίας και Οικολογίας
Τσαμαδιάς Κωνσταντίνος
Ερευνητικό έργο

Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά (Με Κριτές)


1. «Η Αποδοτικότητα των Κοινωνικών Επενδύσεων στην Τριτοβάθμια Τεχνολογική Εκπαίδευση κατά Κατεύθυνση Σπουδών / Rates of Return to Social Investment in Tertiary Technological Education by Faculty» [in Greek]
Κωνσταντίνος Τσαμαδιάς
Mathematical Review (2001), No 55, pp. 18 – 41.


2. «Η Αποδοτικότητα των Ιδιωτικών Επενδύσεων στην Τριτοβάθμια Τεχνολογική Εκπαίδευση κατά Κατεύθυνση Σπουδών / Rates of Return to Private Investment in Tertiary Technological Education by Faculty» [in Greek]
Κωνσταντίνος Τσαμαδιάς
SPOUDAI-Journal of Economics and Business (2001), Vol. 51, N0 3 - 4, pp. 90 – 113


3. “Determinants of Earnings in the Public and Private Sector in Greek Labour Market: Τhe Case of Tertiary Technological and Secondary Education Graduates”
C. Tsamadias, J. Chilas and C. A. Botsaris
Journal of Statistics & Management Systems (2001), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 255 - 274


4. “Testing for Screening Using Vocational Sκills: The Case of Greece’s Technological Institutes”
George Psacharopoulos and Constantinos Tsamadias
Journal of Educational Planning and Administration (2001), Vol. XV, No 4, pp. 425 – 434


5. “The Returns of Investment in Tertiary Technological Education in Greece”
Constantinos Tsamadias
Journal of Vocational Education and Training (2002), Vol. 54, N0 1, pp 147 – 170


6. “The Returns of Private Investments in the Greek Tertiary Technological Education by Gender”
Constantinos Tsamadias
Archives of Economic History (2004), Special Edition, pp. 267 – 278


7. “Τhe Social Rates of Return on Investment in Tertiary Technological Education by Faculty as a Guide for Educational Planning: The Case of Greece”
Constantinos Tsamadias
Journal of Statistics & Management Systems (2004), Vol. 7, No 1, pp. 1 - 23


8. “Returns to Scale at the University of Athens”
John Chilas, Constantinos Tsamadias and George Thanos
Journal of Statistics & Management Systems (2004), Vol. 7, No 1, pp. 157-172


9. “An Inter Comparison Study of Labour Productivity in the European Union and the United States, 1979 – 2001”
Korres George, Chionis Dionysios, Tsamadias Constantinos
International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies (2004), Vol. 1, No 4, pp. 85 – 112


10. “The Evolutionary Tendencies of the Banking Environment and the Impact of Bank’ Risk and size on Their Profitability: The Prospect of Banking Institutions and Suggestions of Policy”
George Thanos, Constantinos Tsamadias and Panayotis Dimopoulos
Asian Journal of Information Technology (2004), Vol 3, No 12, pp. 1157 – 1164


11. “Towards a National Quality Assurance System for the Greek Adult Education”
Constantinos Tsamadias and Eugenia Arvanitis
The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (2008), Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 125 - 131


12. “Public Education Expenditures and Growth in Greece over the period 1960-2000”
Prontzas Panagiotis, Tsamadias Constantinos and Papageorgiou Petros
SPOUDAI-Journal of Economics and Business (2009), Vol. 59, No 1-2, pp. 125 - 141


13. “Lessons and Evidence from Productivity and Regional Growth in Europe”
George Korres and Constantinos Tsamadias
Journal of Regional Science Inquiry (2009), Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 21 - 34


14. “Training Adults’ Trainers in Greece: Efforts for Innovation”
C. Tsamadias, K. Koutrouba and M. Theodosopoulou
The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (2010), Vol. 4, No 11, pp. 149 - 164


15. «Τα Οφέλη από την Εκπαίδευση: Επισκόπηση υπό την οπτική της Οικονομικής / The Benefits of Εducation: An overview from the perspective of economic» [in Greek]
Τσαμαδιάς Κωνσταντίνος, Χανής Στέφανος
MENTOR (2011), Τεύχος 13, σελ. 5 – 21


16. “The Effect of Education on Economic Growth in Greece over the 1960 – 2000 period”
Tsamadias Constantinos and Prontzas Panagiotis
Education Economics Journal (2012), Vol. 20, No 5, pp. 522 - 537


17. “Testing the Role of Screening with Vocational Skills: The case of Post – Secondary Initial Vocational Training Institutes of Greece”
Tsamadias Constantinos and Chanis Stefanos
Journal of Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training (2012), Vol.4, No 2, pp. 149-161


18. “The Effect of Education on Economic Growth in Greece over the 1981-2009 period. Does the proxy of Human Capital affect the Estimation?”
Constantinos Tsamadias and Panagiotis Pegkas
International Journal of Education Economics and Development (2012), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 237- 251


19. “The Rate of Return of Social Investment on the Post-Secondary Initial Vocational Education and Training in Greece”
Stefanos Chanis, Constantinos Tsamadias and Stamatina Hadjidema
International Journal of Education Economics and Development (2013), Vol.4, No 1, pp. 57-71


20. “The Evaluation of Private Investments on the Greek Post-Secondary Initial Vocational Education and Training”
Stefanos Chanis and Constantinos Tsamadias
International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories (2013), Vol. 3, No 4, pp.232-244


21. “Does Higher Education affect Economic Growth? The Case of Greece”
Panagiotis Pegkas and Constantinos Tsamadias
International Economic Journal (2014), Vol. 28, No3, pp.425-444


22. “Does Research and Development Capital affect Total Factor Productivity? Evidence from Greece”
Ioannis Voutsinas and Constantinos Tsamadias
Economics of Innovation and New Technology Journal (2014), Vol.23, No 7, pp.631-651.


23. “Efficiency and Productivity of Greek Higher Technological Educational Institutions: An Assessment over the period 2005-2009”
Constantinos Tsamadias and Panagiota Kyratzi
International Journal of Education Economics and Development (2014), Vol.5, No 3, pp. 241-256.


24. “Measuring the Efficiency and Productivity Change of Greek Universities over the period 2005-2009”
Panagiota Kyratzi, Constantinos Tsamadias and Dimitrios Giokas
International Journal of Education Economics and Development (2015), Vol.6, No. 2, pp. 111-129


25. “Does Formal Education at all Levels Cause Economic Growth? Evidence from Greece”
Pegkas Panagiotis, Tsamadias Constantinos
Review of Economic and Business Studies (2015), Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 11-34


26. “Are There Separate Effects of Male and Female Higher Education on Economic Growth? Evidence from Greece”
Panagiotis Pegkas, Constantinos Tsamadias
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
(in press)


27. “Does research and development expenditure impact innovation? Theory, policy and practice insights from the Greek experience”
Ioannis Voutsinas, Constantinos Tsamadias, Elias Carayannis, Christos Staikouras
The Journal of Technology Transfer
(in press)